Frequently Asked Questions About Laundry Room
Self Service Laundromat:
What hours are you open?
Napa (Lincoln Ave.) - 6 am to 8 pm
Napa (Redwood Plaza) - 6 am to 8 pm
Are you attended?
Our Napa locations are attended Monday through Friday 8 am to 8 pm.
Is there parking?
Napa - We are in a shopping center that has parking out front.
Napa (Redwood Plaza) - We are in a small shopping center that has an abundance of parking.
Do you have washing machines that are large enough for king-size comforters?
Napa (Lincoln Ave.) - We have 2 80-pound washers, 260-pound washers, and 5 50-pound washers.
Napa (Redwood Plaza) - We have 60- and 80-pound washers.
Do you sell soap?
Napa - Unfortunately we do not sell soap at this time.
Wash & Fold:
When do you offer wash and fold?
We have drop off Mon-Fri at our Napa location. Bring it in the morning and we will have it ready for you later the same day.
What hours is the fluff and fold available?
Our attendant is there from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.
What is the minimum order?
Our minimum order is $30.
What detergent do you use?
We use Tide which has a great reputation.
Pickup & Delivery:
Do you offer pickup for commercial customers or just residential?
We offer pickup Mon-Fri for both Commercial and Residential customers at our Napa locations. We can bring back your clean and folded laundry the same day!
How will I know what time you will return it?
The return time is based on what time we complete our orders. We will text you when we are on our way.
What if I can't be home when you come?
When you schedule a pickup, you can tell us where we will find the clothing. You might choose your front porch, your backyard patio, behind your gate or with the apartment manager.
I am a commercial customer, do I have to pay the same day or will you bill me?
We will discuss that when you contact us about your commercial account. Some like to be invoiced, while others prefer to keep a credit card on file.